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Becoming a Foster Carer

If you are thinking about becoming a Foster Carer, we really want to chat to you. We’re here to answer any questions you may have and give you all of the information you need to take the first steps to providing a vulnerable child or young person with a loving home and a brighter future. Whether you’re completely new to fostering or you already have experience, it’s important to find out as much as possible about Fostering for Knowsley.

What is Involved?

After you have spoken to us the next step will be an Initial Home Visit with one of our experienced Social Workers. The home visit gives you the opportunity to discuss privately anything you feel may impact on your application, discuss any anxieties you may have and ask us any questions.

If the home visit and all the information gathered is positive you will be invited to attend Skills to Foster training. This training helps you understand why children come into care, as well as your role and responsibilities as a Foster Carer. You will have an opportunity to meet some of Knowsley’s Foster Carers and hear from young people who have been in Foster Care. Who will both share their experiences with you. This training forms an important part of your fostering assessment.

Following the Skills to Foster training, we advise you to take some time to reflect on your application to foster. You should discuss things with those close to you and make a decision about whether fostering is right for you and your family. When your decision is made please let us know.

If you decide to go ahead, you will be allocated an Assessing Social Worker who will complete a formal application with you and begin the fostering assessment which is called the ‘Form F’ Assessment.

How long will the whole process take?

From receiving your enquiry, the Form F assessment can take up to eight months to complete and could be the start of the most rewarding journey of your life.