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Transferring to Knowsley

If you are a Foster Carer with another fostering agency, and not sure if they are right for you? Or perhaps you are having gaps between placements? If you looking to transfer from your current agency we would love to hear from you. We will arrange an informal chat to discuss the transfer process and tell you what we offer as a Fostering Service, before you inform your current agency. Foster Carers have the right to freely move between fostering services but can only be approved by one agency at a time.

The transfer process will differ depending on whether you have a child placed with you or not and you can read more about this on the Fostering Networks website.

Transferring to Knowsley’s Fostering Service is easier than you think, and could offer you the support and placements that you are looking for. Foster Carers who have successfully transferred to Knowsley have been surprised at the level of support and training they receive:

  • We provide 24 hour support 7 days a week and you will receive at least 12 visits a year from your Supervising Social Worker.
  • We are based locally; our office is in Huyton Village so we can come and see you the same day if you need us to.
  • We know our children; we work alongside the childrens social workers in the same office, which makes communication and case discussion easier. This also helps us when we match you with children. We can do joint visits to help support you and ensure that you and the children you are caring for are happy.
  • We always choose to place with our own Foster Carers first, and only ever approach Independent Fostering Agencies with our most challenging cases.
  • Training; Knowsley Foster Carers can access over 90 training courses every year which are always held within the Borough. You would also have access to training which can be done online from home.
  • You will meet lots of other local Foster Carers. We hold monthly support groups and there are lots of fun events and activities that you can enjoy throughout the year.
  • We don’t make a profit, unlike many Independent Fostering Agencies we don’t make a profit. We are a not-for-profit Fostering Service.
  • We offer a competitive financial and support package which we can discuss further with you should you decide to transfer to Knowsley.

If you would like to speak to us about transferring please call 0151 443 3958 or email