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About our Children


Emma and Ben's Story

Emma is 10, she likes to go swimming and loves watching singing shows especially The Voice. She would love to be a singer one day.

Ben is 7 and is a very lively little boy, he loves to go to the park and climb on the climbing frame and imagine he’s a super hero.


Sarah's Story

Sarah is 14 and has just been placed with a long term Foster Carer.

“I like everything about where I live, just everything!”


Lilly's Story

Lilly is 15, she is a happy teenager who enjoys listening to music and going to school

Lilly is diagnosed with epilepsy, mild Cerebral Palsy and asthma and has severe learning difficulties.


Jessica's Story

Jessica was 17 when she found out she was pregnant.

She went to stay with one of our Foster Carers who specialises with parent and child placements.